How to maintain your bone & joint health while in a lockdown

Dr Shailendra Patil Navi Mumbai - Knee Specialists in Thane The covid-19 virus has brough the whole world to a lockdown. India is no exception to this and we are now in a 21-day lockdown. Which means no going out of your home for except for essential things… 21 days is a long time which can adversely affect the human body, if proper precautions are not taken. So we at bone and joint care thought of suggesting some tips and precautions to help you maintain your physical health while in the lockdown. Precautions: Cooking or cleaning utensils requires standing for a long period of time this can put immense load no the hip and knee joint leading to joint pain. Hence, when cooking or cleaning always try to shift your weight between legs while standing Avoid bending forward and sweeping rather use standing position and use long broom. Bending forward and doing this activities take toll on back muscle and make it prone to injuries. If you intend to be the couch potato t...