The swelling and tenderness of one or more of joints is known as Arthritis. Usually it is reported that the symptom worsen with age but Orthopedic Doctor in Thane suggest that these could be very well managed for better life quality. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the common types of the disease. In osteoarthritis cartilages break down whereas, in rheumatoid arthritis immune system attacks the joints, starting with the lining of joints. Due to old age or some disease, there is a possibility that the artificial hip may get damaged to such an extent that it might lose the ability to function properly. In such cases, people prefer to undergo Total Hip Replacement Surgery in Mulund to replace the damaged hip joint with an artificial one so that their daily life can continue unhalted. How to Prevent Arthritis? We know that prevention is better than cure, but when it comes to arthritis it cannot exactly be prevented as aging, family history, and gender...