Meniscus Tears: Why You Should Not Let Them Go Untreated

Athletes and people involved in sports are prone to a meniscus tear, a knee injury that occurs due to the sudden twisting of your knees. The meniscus is the two pieces of band that join your thigh bone and shin bone. Sports injury or arthritis can result in the thinning of the cartilage, which may eventually break down the meniscus. A meniscus tear can be corrected in the initial stage, but if it’s torn beyond repair, you might need a total knee replacement surgery in Thane . A torn meniscus will reduce your mobility and cause pain when you straighten your legs or put any unnecessary strain on your knee. Lifting heavy objects or participating in strenuous physical activities increase your risk of a torn meniscus. Do You Need Surgery to Fix Torn Meniscus? Whether you need surgery for a meniscus tear depends on factors like your age, the cause of the tear, and how severe the symptoms are. If you are unable to stand and sit, surgery might be your only treat...