Don't Ignore Hip Pain: It Could Be Avascular Necrosis, Says Dr. Shailendra Patil

As a renowned orthopedic specialist, Dr. Shailendra Patil sheds light on a matter that often goes overlooked – hip pain. Many individuals tend to dismiss occasional discomfort or stiffness in the hip joint, attributing it to age or overexertion. However, Dr. Patil urges everyone not to ignore these signs, especially if they experience pain while performing routine activities such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs, bending down, or sitting on the floor. These seemingly mundane activities, when accompanied by hip pain, can be indicative of a serious condition known as Avascular Necrosis (AVN). Avascular Necrosis, also referred to as osteonecrosis, occurs when there is a temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone, leading to bone death. If left untreated, AVN can cause significant damage to the hip joint, resulting in severe pain and limited mobility. Walking, jogging, climbing stairs, bending down, and sitting on the floor are daily activities that many people take ...