Dr. Shailendra Patil - Orthopedic Knee and Hip Pain Recover at Thane, Vashi, Mulund, Mumbai

Bone and Joint Care Center Offeres the Latest Technology in Knee Replacement-
“For the first time in Mumbai done so many successful knee and hip replacement surgery."

Dr. Shailendra Patil Thane who has handles all the knee and hip replacement surgeon and he believes in constant learning and skill upgradation. Also he has more than 9 years of Experience. He also performes suregries at wockhardt Hospital, Rudra Hospital etc. He has solve so many ortho patient cases.

Case Details: 
I am an Ayurved-Panchkarma & Nutrition Consultant & in our clinics we treat Knee arthritis with Panchkarma, Accupuncture & Physiotherapy treatments.My mother was suffering from severe Arthritis of Knee joints since 18-19years.Whenever the pain aggravated I use to give above treatments which brought relief but this year the had a time being result after treatment also her posture was getting bad.Then we consulted Dr.Shailendra patil sir ,where he recommended bilateral TKR surgery.He explained that the ayurvedic treatments we gave has a good pain-relief ,sometimes also relapse & cure in initial stages of Arthritis but in severe conditions there is anatomical error which can be only corrected by knee replacement surgery. My mother is Hypertensive & Diabetic too with the reports were bad.Panchkarma helped to correct the pre-operative investigations within 45days & we fixed the date for surgery.Sir was happy to see the reports corrected by ayurved treatment.My mother was operated on 24th december 2018 & after a good it went well. Post op care was good & she was discharged 3rd day.Post -operative care by sir’s physiotherapist team also religiously worked for the recovery. Few days with walker ,from walker to support stick & from stick to normal independent walk which was now a “pain-free”walk.Today on 2nd march 2019 my mother is happy & am more happy to see her more happy.I think perfect combination of Modern medicine-Allopathy & Indian medicinal system-Ayurved as well as Physiotherapy should join hands together for a “Pain -free”,” Complications free” & speedy recovery for the patients suffering from Joint pain & Dr.Shailendra Patil sir is a pioneer surgeon in TKR for a miraculous post operative results as well as a very good & down to earth human being.

If you are seeking for good orthopedic surgeon then just visit: Dr. Shailendra Patil Reviews for your concern.


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