Everything You Should Know about Arthritis, Symptoms and Treatment

The swelling and tenderness of one or more of joints is known as Arthritis. Usually it is reported that the symptom worsen with age but Orthopedic Doctor in Thane suggest that these could be very well managed for better life quality. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the common types of the disease. In osteoarthritis cartilages break down whereas, in rheumatoid arthritis immune system attacks the joints, starting with the lining of joints.

Due to old age or some disease, there is a possibility that the artificial hip may get damaged to such an extent that it might lose the ability to function properly. In such cases, people prefer to undergo Total Hip Replacement Surgery in Mulund to replace the damaged hip joint with an artificial one so that their daily life can continue unhalted.

How to Prevent Arthritis? 

We know that prevention is better than cure, but when it comes to arthritis it cannot exactly be prevented as aging, family history, and gender are out of your control. But arthritis comes with pain and can lead to loss of function and deformity of the joints which can be managed by regular exercising and healthy lifestyle.

Eating healthy such as incorporating fishes which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acid could reduce the inflammation in the body. 

Keep your body weight in check. According to Orthopedic clinic in Thane, overweight women are almost four times more likely to get knee arthritis than women of a healthy average weight. Exercise and diet to the needs of the body can help you bring your weight into a healthier range.
Avoid injury as over the time your joints can start to wear out. But if you injure your joints you can damage the cartilage and cause it to wear out more quickly. Avoid injury, use the proper safety equipment while playing sports, and learn the correct exercise techniques according to your body type. 

Regular checkup from your doctor. 

Arthritis Symptoms:

Some of the signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Though the symptoms may defer from one type to the other arthritis you have, the general arthritis symptoms may include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Decreased range of motion

Arthritis Treatment

The treatment of arthritis include an arthroscope producer where a medical instrument that enables a medical professional to either inspect or operate the interior of a joint. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to diagnose and treat a variety of problems related to the knee joint. The arthroscope have a magnifying lenses and a fiber optic light which is attached to a small camera that displays the image of the inside of the on a monitor allowing the surgeon to view all the structures inside the joint.

In this procedure, the patient is given anaesthesia before the procedure. Two incisions are made in the knee joint, each the size of a coin which is used for inserting the arthroscopic instruments. The area of the joint is then filled with sterile liquid to have a better view. This procedure usually takes less than an hour to finish.

Benefits of Arthroscopy Surgery

Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in Mulund is a minimally invasive procedure, its benefits are more in comparison to that of invasive surgeries. Some of the advantages of this procedure in comparison to open surgical techniques are

  • Less complications
  • No necessity for overnight stay in the hospital
  • Minimal scars
  • Decreased swelling & pain
  • Swift recovery (since the incisions are very small)

The orthopedic department of the hospital comprises of highly experienced and skilled orthopedic surgeons and experts that leave no stone unturned to give nothing but the best to the global patients. The doctors and surgeons dealing with orthopedic procedures are known for their wide clinical experience and expertise. So, next time if you have to plan your orthopedic surgery or treatment option, you know where to head. 


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