Getting Old And Orthopedic Problems: What Nobody Told You : Tips From Orthopedic Surgeon in Thane, Mulund


As you age, your risk of developing orthopaedic problems increases. Joint pain, poor mobility, fractures, and struggle in carrying out the day-to-day activities become parts of your life. We often neglect our health until an emergency arises. This carelessness at an early age can have a severe impact on your physical and mental wellbeing later. Knee arthritis is one such common problem that is highly likely to occur as you get old. 

Poor dietary habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and a history of arthritis in your family are a few common causes of this joint pain. In addition to the mobility problems and extreme joint pain, here are a few other things that older people struggle with. Visit the orthopaedic clinic in Thane if you experience poor mobility and extreme joint pain.

Bone Loss

You start losing your bone density in your 30s. A reduced bone density makes you prone to fractures, difficulty in moving, and other mobility-related problems later in your life. It also increases the risk of getting osteoporosis, a medical term used for bone loss. Basically, your bones tend to get thinner and weaker as you get older. A few common symptoms of osteoporosis include stooped posture, back pain, and high bone fracture risk.

Unfortunately, you can’t stop this bone loss, but a few preventive measures can help slow down the process. Diet, exercise, and supplementation also play an important role in maintaining your bone density.

Heavy Purse Syndrome

Dr Ayla Azad coined the term “Heavy Purse Syndrome”.

Your body has a tendency to adapt to the weight of the purse or heavy loads you carry on your shoulder. You don’t realise its weight, but carrying excess loads on your shoulder can strain your neck and cause problems later.

It is also associated with spine misalignment due to poor posture, muscle spasms, and shoulder pain. You may not feel the pressure or pain now, but the more you strain your shoulders and neck, the higher your risk of developing osteoarthritis and other joint pain problems in the future.

Lower Back Pain

Many older people suffer from lower back pain, which can occur due to a lack of physical activities and low bone density. As mentioned earlier, your bones get weaker as you age, causing problems in your joints. Not taking care of this problem at an early age can make the symptoms worse. Any sharp back pain that lasts for hours should not go unnoticed. Do not take painkillers to get temporary relief from the pain. Instead, you should contact the orthopaedic surgeon in Mulund to diagnose the underlying cause of the issue.

High-Risk of Fractures

The weaker bones also increase your risk of falls and fractures. The fractures can vary from a simple fracture where the bone breakage does not damage your skin and the compound fracture where the broken bone breaks through your skin. You might experience sharp pain, bruising and deformity if you got a fracture.

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